The path of healing at Inner Wellsprings Health Clinic
The symptoms of dis-ease are always a manifestation of the body healing itself.
When we listen and create the right conditions the body can heal because that's the way the Creator designed creation.
This way of healing is accessible to all and yet only revealed to those who are truly open to seeing it and aligning with it.
When we listen and create the right conditions the body can heal because that's the way the Creator designed creation.
This way of healing is accessible to all and yet only revealed to those who are truly open to seeing it and aligning with it.
Shana's approach is based on the premise that radiant health is each persons birthright. She is passionate about teaching her clients how to activate the self healing mechanisms of the body mind and soul and draws from wisdom from a variety of schools of thought including Chinese medicine, Raw Foods, and Western Nutrition. She is primarily influenced by the teachings and healing systems of Paul Pitchford, Dr. Lawrence Wilson, Donna Eden, Andreas Moritz, Gabriel Cousens, Dr. Jimmy Scott, and Robert Morse. Shana works with each individual to integrate various schools of thought and techniques in applying the most appropriate methods and protocols to each situation. Cleansing and toxic overload, diet and lifestyle, as well as one's emotional state are important aspects that are dealt with when building a treatment plan. Above all she focuses on empowering her clients on their own path of healing and manifesting radiant health.
Shana has been involved in the field of alternative health for over 15 years. After completing a bachelors degree in Psychology from New York University she studied aryuveda, yogic lifestyle, and various styles of meditation and hatha yoga at various institutions in California. |
She founded and directed Clear Path Yoga and Massage where she taught yoga and meditation classes to staff at corporations and did massage therapy with private clients. She also worked with community groups such as school teachers, people with multiple sclerosis, and groups from the local YMCA. During this time Shana also began her involvement with mind body healing, macrobiotic foods, raw foods, fermented foods, and fasting for health. Shana moved to Israel in 2006 when she took on a Jewish religious lifestyle. At that time she also completed her studies in Naturopathy and Traditional Chinese Medicine from Reidman College in Jerusalem and founded Inner Wellsprings Health Clinic. Shana went on to become a Detoxification Specialist and Nuero-Linguistic Programming Practitioner and now specializes in treating food addiction, chronic illness, and those interested in healing on all levels of physical emotional and spiritual. Shana also studied Abdominal Accupuncture, Health Kinesiology, Theta Healing, and at private instututions in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. She currently sees clients in Nachlaot, Jerusalem as well as via the internet.