Learn the basics of how to cleanse your body to achieve greater health and wellness.

-Have you wondered what detoxing is about and if it is right for you?
-Are you frequently experiencing low energy, digestive discomfort, body pains, or other signs of ill health?
-Are you unsure how to safely detox because of your age or your current medical condition?
-Did you know that the type of detox that will be most healing for YOU depends on a number of factors?
-Do you wish to break free of food addictions and unhealthy habits but just don't know how?
-Do you want to learn more about how you can maintain a lifestyle that avoids taking in excess toxins which tax your health and drain your energy?
-Are you frequently experiencing low energy, digestive discomfort, body pains, or other signs of ill health?
-Are you unsure how to safely detox because of your age or your current medical condition?
-Did you know that the type of detox that will be most healing for YOU depends on a number of factors?
-Do you wish to break free of food addictions and unhealthy habits but just don't know how?
-Do you want to learn more about how you can maintain a lifestyle that avoids taking in excess toxins which tax your health and drain your energy?
The following points will be covered during this introductory course:
- Health issues caused by toxicity
- How detoxing works in the body
- The healing effects of cleansing
- Pre-requisites for detoxing and how to detox safely
- Introduction to choosing the most optimal type of detox for your individual constitution and/or health condition
- Practical guidelines that will enable you to start incorporating cleansing into your life
IF YOU ANSWERED YES TO ANY OF THESE QUESTIONS COME JOIN US FOR ONE OF OUR INTRODUCTION TO CLEANSING AND DETOX COURSES pay on paypal below to register and pay the early registration price or contact Shana to pay by cash or check |
Participants will receive handouts on the material covered, information needed to safely start cleansing on one's own, and recipes for getting started. No prior experience is required. This workshop is geared for those who have little or no past experience detoxing. When registering Shana will send you a brief medical form to fill out and return before the workshop so that she can aim to address the needs of each group. Please contact Shana for guidance ascertaining which framework is best suited for your needs (introductory workshop, advanced workshop, or private sessions).
Private appointments are available for those wanting one on one guidance through detoxing and when there are more advanced illnesses.