Work With Shana
What we will cover in your free session:
- Shana will identify and help you see the root issues that have been blocking you from moving past your food and health challenges.
- Shana will make you a step by step plan to enable you to reach your health and life goals.
- If she feels it's a good fit she will invite you to be a part of one of her coaching frameworks.
Who Are Our Clients?
You are invited to schedule a free discovery call if any of these describes you:
Wanting real change in your life.
Willing to look at the root issues behind your weight and health issues.
Committed to following an individualized plan.
Ready to go outside your comfort zone.
Willing to be patient in your healing process.
Able to be vulnerable and authentic.
Feeling that your desire to change is greater than your desire to stay the same.
Willing to face your fears and let go of what is no longer serving you.
Ready to try something new.
Willing to be open to something that is beyond what you already know to be true.
Willing to look at the root issues behind your weight and health issues.
Committed to following an individualized plan.
Ready to go outside your comfort zone.
Willing to be patient in your healing process.
Able to be vulnerable and authentic.
Feeling that your desire to change is greater than your desire to stay the same.
Willing to face your fears and let go of what is no longer serving you.
Ready to try something new.
Willing to be open to something that is beyond what you already know to be true.